Junpei is forced to escape the room by means of solving puzzles within it before the room floods from a leaking window. Both sets of children were to play the Nonary Game with those in the building, solving the puzzles and telepathically sending the solutions to those aboard the ship. The childhood friend of Junpei. If Door 1, Junpei teams up with Ace and Clover and they enter the chart room and Captain's Quarters. For the majority of the game, it is portrayed as a realistic murder detective mystery, and then at the end of the game, paranormal and supernatural ideas are introduced such as time paradoxes, morphogenetic fields, and communicating through time. While in an escape room, only the cutscenes are seen in each room. Santa spoke up and flatly stated that he was against leaving Seven alone. Junpei dismissed it as unlikely, and Clover agreed, suggesting Santa and Seven killed Snake. Characters. After the events of the Second Nonary Game, a twenty-one-year-old Nona is finally reunited with her mother. The iOS version is considered the least preferable version of the game. Snake taking down Ace as the incineration process starts so they burn to death together. Clover's body is discovered inside the first class bathroom with a safe, which Junpei passed through earlier. Early concept art for the RED and the DEAD. combination of characters that define a particular search pattern A plot contrivance, done in order for Clover to not be with her brother when he disappears, is that the players didn't question someone blind searching the rooms for the missing RED. One famous trope that is both adored and annoying is the overpowered main character. Although the murders themselves aren't depicted with the exception of Junpei's so how he did so is open to interpretation. The game also contains a. Seven then charges at Ace and floors him. After Clover calmed down, Junpei and Seven told him everything that happened since he was gone. 3. A large, bumbling mountain of a man, his appearance and behavior hide an intelligent mind well-equipped for solving problems. It will let the player revisit and replay escape rooms that they have already cleared in the main story. Junpei infers that he is aboard a ship based on his surroundings and discovers that a metallic bracelet with the number 5 on the electronic display has been affixed to his wrist. Junpei identifies one of them as his childhood friend Akane Kurashiki. Junpei opened the door and they found themselves in a huge library. In order to get the safe ending, the player must go through Door 5, then 8, then 6. Clover mentioned that a girl died on the ship Snake was on. The player learns that the gameplay they have witnessed has been through the viewpoint of young Akane during the first Nonary Game. voiced by Taliesin Jaffe and 1 other. Coffin - Obtained if the player attempts to receive the True ending (4 > 7 > 1) without obtaining the Safe ending first. He and Clover examined the body closely for more clues and mentioned that he had an easy death compared to Snake's, who had a bone sticking out of his left arm. There are 6 endings in total (one exclusive to the iOS version). A young but somber girl, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. She was unable to solve the Sudoku puzzle to escape the incinerator, and apparently died. However, Akane (June) has been playing the Nonary Game with Junpei and the rest of the group the whole time, implying a mysterious paradox. The iOS version of the game features higher-quality music compared to the compressed DS version. 9 in Japanese is "ku" (苦) and can be translated as "pain, ill, suffering, agony, torture". Junpei and June inside of the Saturn elevator. In the iOS version, the escape room puzzles were removed in favor of narration of the events that happened in the room. lengthy scientific conversation about the properties of ice while three people are trapped inside a freezer and are slowly freezing to death, https://zeroescape.fandom.com/wiki/Zero_Escape:_Nine_Hours,_Nine_Persons,_Nine_Doors?oldid=60331. Add new page. A scrawny, nervous man, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. The host, Zero, informs them they are playing the Nonary Game, which they can only escape by finding a door marked with a 9 within nine hours; fail and the ship will sink and everyone on-board will drown. Triple 9, a 2016 heist-thriller film; 999 (UK TV series), a British programme presented by Michael Buerk that aired on the BBC; 999 (Malaysian TV series), a 2004 Malaysian crime reality television series Hey, in the end, whether you grinded for 5 hours or typed a few lines in 5 seconds, you'll still get the characters if we are thinking completely logically. Game » Santa holding Ace (Gentarou Hongou) hostage. Clover swings her axe into Junpei's flesh. It is the first installment in the Zero Escape series, and was released in Japan in 2009 and in North America in 2010 for the Nintendo DS. Alice. Clover has one of the four leaf clover accessories from the first Nonary Game. However, since 999 was developed specifically for the Nintendo DS's dual screens, certain parts of the game simply do not have the same impact in single-screen platforms. Various puzzles must be solved in order to … The next "set" of doors is 1, 2 and 6, which are scattered throughout the ship. The player is required to experience the "Safe" (Zero Lost) ending in order to access the "True" ending which will otherwise end prematurely with a "To Be Continued" message via the Coffin ending. Zero Escape Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Knife - Junpei finds Lotus' corpse. Junpei infers that he is aboard a ship based on his surroundings and discovers that a metallic bracelet with the number 5 on the electronic display has been affixed to his wrist. Unfortunately, the player must re-watch cutscenes and re-solve the puzzle rooms to obtain all the endings in the DS version. They are listed in order of the endings that the rooms were visited in (True Ending, Safe Ending, Submarine Ending). The urgency portrayed in the game's story sometimes may seem at odds with the tone or timing of conversations, such having a lengthy scientific conversation about the properties of ice while three people are trapped inside a freezer and are slowly freezing to death in order to receive the true ending.[1]. JP Spike NA Aksys Games And if 300+ single player levels weren't enough SMB also throws in epic boss fights, a level editor and tons of unlock able secrets, warp zones and hidden characters. He injected himself with an aesthetic called Soporil, knocking himself out, so that the other players could not take him with them. Junpei notices a door close, and thinking he might find Zero, leaves June to check it out. Their identity is a mystery and what their motives are for putting the 9 players in the Nonary Game are unknown. Hongou's desire was to understand morphic fields to try to cure his prosopagnosia (facial blindness). Nintendo DS JP December 10, 2009 NA November 16, 2010 iOS JP May 29, 2013 Vita/PS4/PCWW March 24, 2017 Here are fifteen anime with overpowered main characters. Now that the game review has given you almost all the insight into this online game. There is a minor feature in both the DS version and The Nonary Games version of 999 called "Memories of the Escape". His ornate robes are unlike the other Maesters' of Yevon, being predominantly dark blue with red trimmings and a green sash. 2. Clover is held at knifepoint by the 9th Man. A young man with a princely demeanor, he is an unending source of information, but tends to only reveal it when there is no other option. One of each set of siblings was to be placed aboard the Gigantic in the Atlantic Ocean, the sister ship of the RMS Titanic, the others in Building Q, a secret facility in the Nevada desert, that both had identical interiors. Snake's explosive death in the shower room. The nine people are forced to participate in the "Nonary Game", a deadly game which involves numerical bracelets, small bombs in each player's stomach that will detonate and kill them if they disobey, exploring the ship and solving escape-the-room puzzles in order to survive and escape before they drown in 9 hours. The difference in the escape rooms is that it skips any and all of the interactions between Junpei and the players during cutscenes, instead replacing them with "I feel like something has happened here". In the study, Junpei is told of the events leading up to this point. They found a corpse of a man wearing a captain's outfit, a bracelet on his wrist that had "0" on its face, and a bloody axe next to his body. No More Mr. Noice Guys. He had only moved into the hotel recently and became friends with 21. Little more than a punk with silver hair and a bad attitude at first glance, this clever guy keeps pushing forward and doesn't like dealing with indecisiveness. The cover of the first 999: Alterna Novel. They didn't have the key to open it, so they looked around more, eventually finding a door with a Uranus card scanner next to it. In the following years since its release, 999 and the Zero Escape series have gained a bit of a cult following in its fandom, primarily in the anime and video game fan community, and it has inspired a lot of fan material such as cosplay, music, fan-fiction, art, etc. Realizing that the game is real and anyone can die at any moment, the group proceeds to explore the ship, splitting into groups as necessary. All versions of The Nonary Games feature English and Japanese dual audio for both games, an improvement over the first European releases of VLR missing one dub. Santa is Zero, not Akane. Cradle Pharmaceutical CEOs celebrating in hopes of the success of the Nonary Project. The normal alphabet is 26 characters, and the numbers take up an additional 10, plus punctuation and all that - and so in total, your keyboard probably has a maximum of a hundred or so symbols. Zero then speaks up, telling Junpei that the game is over, and the loser has been decided. Gameknight999 is first seen as a selfish troll and griefer. Akane saves Nona from falling off the ship and drowning during Seven's rescue attempt, but this somehow results in both girls existing oddly. Junpei, under duress and linked by the same situation, is able to communicate back to young Akane, and demonstrates the solution to the puzzle to her. Junpei is forced to escape the room by means o… 999 received generally favorable reviews from critics, with several near perfect scores emphasizing its well-written suspenseful story, presentation, characters, music, and escape-the-room gameplay. A mature man of calm temperament, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. A minor character in 999, but she becomes a main character and participant in the Nonary Game of Virtue's Last Reward. Regardless of which door is picked, all the players reconvene at the large hospital room which has three more doors: Doors 3, 7 and 8. On the day of the Incident, 999 called 21 into the Number Recreation Room of the hotel, along with 10 and 3.6. Junpei later found the pocket watch needed to open the exit and the three of them continued on. He told them about a new hidden room that he had found. Some of these songs are also used in Virtue's Last Reward, as well as remixed in Zero Time Dilemma. This ending is obtained by going through Door 3 on any route in the iOS version. Akane, Santa and Lotus are all tied at 3. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Giant Bomb users. Clover, Snake's younger sister, becomes distraught, suspecting that some of the other players must have forced Snake behind Door 3. Once again, following their escapes, regardless of which door Junpei picked, everyone meets back in the hospital room. Akane has amnesia during the Second Nonary Game when she is June. A tall, grave older man with a streak of gray in his hair, he is often the voice of calm reason when events descend into chaos. Books. Xbox 360 release. SCP-999 is one of the playable SCP's in Minitoon's Containment Breach game. His bracelet number is 5 and is the only one not to choose his own codename due to June accidentally mentioning his name. June having a panic attack from the stress. As they find that the ship is no longer taking on water, they are greeted by their unseen host over a loudspeaker. Clover was about to reveal her name, but Ace interrupted them again. Door 9's location turned out to be the chapel and to Junpei's surprise, there were two sets of Door 9s. D&D Beyond Why does this trope exist and why does it pop up in every shounen anime? She also thanked him for the bookmark that he gave her, and he mentions that Santa gave it to him. Although not a DS game, another series of games available on the PlayStation Vita often compared to, According to Kotaro Uchikoshi, hands were originally going to be a very important part of the story, but the idea was declared unacceptable near the end of the production stage, likely because the bracelets themselves blew up while the REDs and DEADs identified by fingerprints, meaning there would likely be players carrying the dismembered hands/fingers of other players. Nine years ago, the First Nonary Game was held, and it is revealed that members of the current party were involved in it. Akane is held at gunpoint by Aoi. A cynical and brash young man, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. If Door 6, Junpei teams up June, Santa and Ace and they enter the steam engine room and cargo room. He tries over and again, but the door still won't budge. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Clover said that Santa must have been one of the subjects on the ship with her brother, because he knew the "leaf words". Ace holds Lotus hostage with Santa's revolver and forces her to authenticate. The main goal is to escape the place they are held … It added Sakura as playable character, as well as the Crystal Shrine stage, and Level 999 difficulty level. The kidnapped children included Snake (true name Light) and Clover, and Santa (true name Aoi) and Akane, as well as Lotus' children, twins Nona and Ennea. In this pathway, based on the choices made, Junpei may hear some pseudoscientific stories about forms of morphic resonance communication, as well as stories of an Egyptian priestess who was supposedly frozen under a special liquid known as "Ice-9" that supposedly remains frozen at room temperature. It is unlocked after obtaining at least one ending. Snake inferred that Santa was Zero and that he set the entire game up. consists of 9 releases. Because of the bottom screen being removed, the narration appears in the same screen as the dialogue. There are other scoring changes. During the second Nonary Game, Ace lured the 9th Man to act as he did to test the seriousness of the game and to avoid his identity being revealed, as well as obtain the 9 bracelet he possessed. Developer The cruise liner resembles the RMS Titanic, a ship which killed over 1500 in the early 20th century. People are more easily able to access morphic fields under conditions of "epiphany" and "danger" — thus, trying to solve problems in a life-and-death situation, exactly what the Nonary Game sets up. 999 or 999: Twenty-nine Original Tales of Horror and Suspense, a 1999 anthology of short stories; Galaxy Express 999, a manga and anime created by Leiji Matsumoto; Film and TV. "What the hell" is said around 162 times in the game. A scrawny, nervous man, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. Only one ending is the true ending. At the next options, because there is no paper pile vote, initially Junpei, June and Clover think about entering Door 6 while Ace, Santa, Seven and Lotus think about entering Door 1. She revealed that the Nonary Game was played on the ship. Snake's theory that June's number is 9 and Santa's is 0, although both are actually 0. She is a delicate girl who wants no one to be left behind during the Nonary Game. No wonder it's called the Nonary Game." The game is divided into two parts; the "visual novel" parts in which the story is told and decisions are made to lead to branching endings; and the "escape" parts which are escape-the-room puzzles that break up the novel sections. On November 1st, 2027, Junpei, a normal college student, awakens inside of a small locked room; his last memory is that of being incapacitated using an inhalational anaesthetic and then abducted by an unknown person in a gas mask around midnight. Young Akane pleading to Junpei for help to solve a Rubik's Cube. Seek a way out Search for clues within numerous locked rooms and solve mind-bending puzzles in order to escape. Santa, Seven, Lotus, Snake, and Clover worried. Santa says that this whole Nonary Game was set up so Junpei could save Akane from dying in the incinerator in the past. His size gives him the strength to do certain functions that only he or Ace are able to do. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Santa. Characters 9th Man. After concluding that Zero set up a decoy to be murdered in Snake's place, and that Ace is a prosopagnosia patient, Junpei accuses Ace of murdering both the decoy and Clover, and claims that Ace is in fact Gentarou Hongou himself. June opposed the idea but to allow the others to proceed, Ace volunteered to stay behind. On November 1st, 2027, Junpei, a normal college student, awakens inside of a small locked room; his last memory is that of being incapacitated using an inhalational anaesthetic and then abducted by an unknown person in a gas mask around midnight. Snake mentioned that it was 4:30 already and that they had to get moving. After he wakes up to find he's been transported to a strange location, he takes it upon himself to figure out all the cryptic clues and ensure the survival of everyone trapped with him. Junpei decides to go back to retrieve June and Santa, and finds a very ill June inside the chapel. Register Start a Wiki. He told Junpei that he knew about Junpei's "trick" to get the door he wanted by reaching into his pocket for the papers. Ace eventually admits to the allegations, and holds Lotus up at gunpoint in order to escape after she attacks him. On May 29, 2013, the game was ported to iOS for iPhone and iPad and released in Japan. A free watch bracelet was included in pre-orders. While sending Ace to investigate the other half of the room, he tried to start a private conversation with Clover, asking her to finish her story from the operating room. There are three possible ways to obtain this ending: Doors 4 > 7 > 6, Doors 4 > 8 > 6, or Doors 5 > 7 > 6. Toys & Games Kids Gift Guide Shop Toys by Age Shop Top Toys Shop by Category Shop by Brand Shop by Character Save on Toys 1-24 of 497 results for Avengers : 500 to 999 Price and other details may vary based on size and color The only possible option had everyone except Junpei, June, and Clover working together. Junpei took June with him and the two searched the large hospital and the shower room. For example, if the player wants to achieve all six endings, they must solve the 3rd class cabin six times (although since the Coffin ending is essentially useless and its icon is automatically obtained if the player receives the True ending, the player can skip it, but they still must solve the 3rd class cabin five times). VLR even has two difficulty settings for more of a challenge. A blind, mature man with a noble appearance, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. He told Junpei that he wanted to talk to him and the two left for the wheelhouse. The Nintendo DS version, the first version of the game, was developed by Chunsoft and published in Japan by Spike on December 10, 2009, and in North America by Aksys Games on November 16, 2010. Junpei and the group also learn that Zero is really Akane assisted by Santa/Aoi, having created the second Nonary Game to guide Junpei to the same puzzle in the incinerator that Akane faced nine years earlier. Clover leapt into Snake's arms and tearfully welcomed him back to the group. Junpei also noticed that it would be too obvious if the dead man was Zero, as the clues in the room felt too contrived. More details on these ports are below as well as on its own article. Snake's corpse is found in the shower room behind Door 3, killed in a gory explosion due to him being shoved behind Door 3 and being unable to find the DEAD in time due to his blindness. When Junpei insists that he hasn't lost yet, Zero reveals that he was referring to himself as the loser. A large hulk of a man, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. The group holds a vote using a paper pile, but Junpei rigs it so that he votes last and is able to go through Door 1, 2 or 6 at his own volition. It turns out that Clover was murdered by an unknown assailant, possibly the same murderer as her brother Snake. In the cargo room, Junpei soon discovers from Santa that Ace owns a company called Cradle Pharmaceutical and thought that he may be suffering from prosopagnosia. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll In addition, young Akane gives Junpei a string of additions: 2 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 8, which is the solution to open Door q. If Junpei chooses Door 5, he explores the 1st class cabin and casino with Snake and Seven. These are the characters encountered in game. Snake assumed that June's bracelet was flipped and that it was actually 9 and that Santa's bracelet worked as the 0 bracelet. There are 16 escape rooms in total. The player has the option to select which group to travel with (Door 4 or 5) and other decisions that ultimately affect the fate of the game. Akane notices Junpei and tells him not to worry about her. Snake was sure that even if Zero was Santa, he wouldn't kill them because he was in the same group as Snake. The children onboard the Gigantic in 2018. Due to talking about hidden rooms in public, they were confronted by 209 and his … He was a merciless player who took pride in griefing and trolling other people, which is how he killed Digger’s wifebefore being brought into the game. Only English and Japanese dubs and text are supported. To their surprise, Snake emerged out of the coffin, although he was wearing mysterious religious robes. Junpei also reveals that Ace was being manipulated by Zero to purposely kill the other executives and that he concluded to have done did it so he could get revenge for the events of the First Nonary Game. Dec 27, 2016 - Explore Francisco Barragan's board "999 Zero's Escape" on Pinterest. Characters Tetsuro Hoshino (星野 鉄郎, Hoshino Tetsurō): The main character of Galaxy Express 999, Tetsuro is a poor Earth boy who witnessed his mother die at the hands of Count Mecha. Syringe (iOS version only) - Clover kills Junpei with a syringe and leaves him to drown. The door does not open, to Ace's dismay. Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors endings. Junpei, Seven, Santa, and June pursue Ace, but Santa and June decide to stay behind when June starts feeling weak and feverish. The main protagonist of the game. This was fixed in the iOS, Vita, PS4 and PC versions which added a FLOW Chart. Axe - Clover, distraught by Light's supposed death, secretly kills Santa and Seven in revenge. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 999 is largely set on reality, with several elements mentioned by the characters (such as the rat experiment Santa brings up) actually being done in real life. A self-serving, barely-dressed woman with unknown skills and knowledge, she does whatever she can to find her way out. Story mode, featuring over 300 levels spanning 5+ chapters; Play as a Head Crab! The bottom screen of the DS version represents young Akane seeing events through Junpei's eyes. Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward is a 2012 adventure game developed by Chunsoft.It is the second installment in the Zero Escape series, and was originally released for the Nintendo 3DS and PlayStation Vita.The story follows the player character Sigma, who is abducted and forced along with eight other individuals to play the Nonary Game, which puts its participants in a life … Here are the best animes with OP main characters. Early concept where players were handcuffed together. A mature man of calm temperament, trapped with eight other captives in the twisted Nonary Game of 999. One point of criticism is its pacing. The original DS version has pixelated graphics (256 × 192 per screen), compressed music quality, and no flow chart meaning the player must solve escape rooms and go through the same dialogue multiple times if they want to obtain all endings. Sequel Hook: Alice in 999 and the entirety of the final three endings in VLR. Mainly … The escape room puzzles were removed in favor of more focus on the visual novel aspects. "And there you have it. Akane solving the Sudoku puzzle with Junpei's help through the morpogenetic field. Throw your character around gruelingly addictive, funky, psychedelic, colourful and thrillingly rage-enduing levels and get as far as you can. Akane. Clover about to kill an unsuspecting Junpei. He pressed his buttons on his bracelet in the correct order and eight numbers blinked on the display (14383421). The cast of Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors, and all tropes that pertain to them.For tropes specific to their appearances in later games, see Characters.Virtues Last Reward and Characters.Zero Time Dilemma.. Beware for Late-Arrival Spoiler descriptions for later games in the franchise.. Major spoilers ahead. An excited June told them that they found Door 9 and, full of excitement, they rushed to the elevators. An Xbox 360 port was released in Japan on April 23, 2009 in both regular and limited editions. While Junpei was thinking, a mysterious voice in his head told him the sinister hand tip. A fidgety, nervous man from the start, he knows more than he's letting on. In the shower room, Junpei realizes that the body there is not Snake's since it has a bone from its left arm, and he remembers Clover telling him in the laboratory that Snake's was prosthetic. Junpei decided to go with Ace and Clover through Door 1, leaving Santa, June, Seven, and Lotus to go through Door 6. Ace after injecting himself with liquid Soporil. Ace and Snake are tied at two, and the 9th Man never goes with Junpei or anyone else into an escape room since he dies at the beginning of the game. Shocked at Snake's answer, Junpei started to ponder whether the Akane Snake was talking about was the same person as June. As such, 9 holds a widespread superstition in Japan. The 9th Man holds Clover hostage and threatens to slit her throat if the other players don't open Door 5 for him. They move up to the top floor and Snake starts talking. However, even after using up all his revolver bullets, Ace is unable to successfully kill Snake. For help to solve the Sudoku puzzle to escape the incinerator room quiet! And `` choose your own adventure '' clues within numerous locked rooms and solve puzzles! Would n't kill them because he was wearing mysterious religious robes found the mandrake in..., 2016 - Explore hyla 's board `` 999 '', followed by 149 people Pinterest. 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