India is the largest producer and exporter of senna leaves, pods and Breaking Language Barrier : Download Dictionary & Translation computer software & smartphone apps in English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati & 23 languages. Leaves alternate, to 12 x 8 cm, ovate, irregularly shallowly lobed, sinuate, base obliquely truncate, densely tomentose on lower surface and less on upper surface; petiole to 5 cm long; spines mostly on petiole and midrib and few on lateral nerves, to 2 cm long, straight. However, benefits to ecosystems not specific to humans are best treated under Risk statement (what happens when the organism is removed), Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, G. Renu, Sanjana Julias Thilakar, D. Narasimhan, Centre for Floristic Research, Department of Botany, Madras Christian College, Tambaram. These are I .Chlorophytum arundanaceum Baker 2 Chlorophytum attenuatum Baker 3 Chlorophytum borivilianum 4 Chlorophytum breviscapum 5 Chlorophytum laxum 6 Chlorophytum tuberosum The species Chlorophytum borivilianum contains more saponin and good yielding potential as compared to other species of safed musli and therefore is having commercial value. Does not include altitudinal distribution, which is covered under Habitat. The leaves are ovate to lobed with spines on both the sides, the white flowers are hermophrodite, borne on axillary clusters. Solanum capsicoides: Berries orange red when mature, green with dark green markings when young; stems with slender delicate priclkles; leaves some what shining, sparsely hairy, deeply lobed, shorter prickly calyx. bug berry, bug tree, bugtree, bugweed, earleaf nightshade, flannel leaf, kerosene plant, tobacco bush, tobacco weed, tree tobacco, wild tobacco, wild tobacco bush, wild tobacco plant, wild tobacco tree, woolly nightshade The leaves are ovate to lobed with spines on both the sides, the white flowers are hermophrodite, borne on axillary clusters. Tropical soda apple (Solanum viarum), also referred to as TSA, is a non-native, invasive weed that forms very dense infestations, especially in pastures. The leaves are trifoliate and having hairs on sides, pods are generally 5-10 cm long with 4-6 bold size seeds. Rose purple flowered, white flowered and white flowered with rose purple spot in the center. In Florida it is found in drained swamp pasture land. 10.1007/s42690-020-00293-7. It has an errect stem with flexible long branches bearing leaves. Solasodine through 16-dehydro-pregnenolone (16 DPA) is converted to a group of compounds like testosterone and methyl testosterone and cortigosteriods like predinisolone and hydrocortisone. The underground part of the plant consists of numerous rootlets of light yellow or gray to reddish in colour, which on distillation yields the vetive, Common Name : Kalmegh,Bhunimb,Kalpnath,Kadechirayata Botanical Name : Andrographis paniculata Wall. The generic name is believed to be derived from the latin ‘solamen’ meaning comfort, and to allude to the reputed narcotic properties of the generic type Solanum nigrum L. Solanum species, which are often called Nightshades, exhibit considerable morphological diversity and a range of ecological preferences. The second picking is taken 60-70 days after first picking and the third and subsequent pickings are done at an interval of 60-70 days totaling four pickings in a year. This herbaceous perennial grows to about 3-6 feet in height with yellow-white thorns on the stems, stalks, leaves and calyxes. It is common bitter tonic prescribed for children in liver troubles. In most Year, the crop needs no irrigation except under the condition of prolonged drought. 2016. Pubescent shrubs, prickles recurved, to 7 mm long. (i.e. Photos: see our Catalogue "Eggplants of the world ". ), associated mostly to vertebrates. Medicinal uses Ashwagandha root contain alkaloids (Withanine, Somniferin, etc.) Bot. Solanum viarum Dunal (1852) Preferred Common Name. and Development and Product application has to be initiated for The pods are slightly curved, 3.5-6.5 cm in length with 1.5 cm breadth and 5-7 ovate dark brown compressed seeds, green at the beginning changing to greenish-brown to dark brown on maturity. Family : Solanaceae Solanum virum is a stout, branched, woody shrub, 1.0-1.5 m tall with spines on stem and leaves. They are not seasoned, usually appeared from 35-70 days after sowing depending on the time of sowing which fallowed by pods formation. Native to Brazil and Argentina, tropical soda apple weed is a member of the Solanaceae or Nightshade family, which also contains eggplant, potato, and tomato. Senna could be economically grown under rainfed conditions. In India, eggplants rank fourth in vegetable production, … The leaves and seeds are also having medicinal property to cure carbuncles, inflammation and swellings and seeds as diuretic. Synonym: S. rubrum Mill. are maintained as distinct species. COMMON NAME: Kantkari ,Bari Kateri, Kandiari, Ban - Bhindi. Wild edible plants of Assam. This herb is a thorny creeper that grows in bushes. The inflorescence is a many-flowered corymb with white or pinkish, often tinged with violet. The picking of leaves along with pods is done by hand so that most of the growing tops are removed. Jebanesan.A, M.Baranitharan,K.Kovendan and Pasco.B.Avery, "Impact of Punica granatum-based green larvicide on the predation rate of Polypedes crucifer for the control of mosquito vectors, Anopheles Stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus (Diptera :Culicidae). Its main goal is summarize the most relevant or attractive characteristics of this taxon to the general public. 574. Solanum khasianum Clarke in Hook.f., Fl. Gujarat in about more than one lakh hectare area in semi-arid regions. Telugu. Figure 2: Solanum trilobatum plant. Common Name : Khasi Kateri, Ranwangi, Dorli etc. Cymes 3 or 4 flowered, peduncle to 2 cm long; pedicels 1.2 cm long, elongates to 2 cm in fruit. India exports senna leaves and pods and there Brit. Tropical Soda Apple). & Sivar., Fl. Venugopal, B. S. Somashekhar, M.V. The flowers are purple in colour (Doss et. A textual diagnostic description of the species that is not necessarily structured. Reply Gayatri November 5, 2015, 4:38 pm The plant is 3-6 ft tall. Describes biorhythms - those states or conditions characterised by regular repetition in time, whether on the scale of seconds, hours, days, or seasons. D K Ved, Suma Tagadur Sureshchandra, Vijay Barve, Vijay Srinivas, Sathya Sangeetha, K. Ravikumar, Kartikeyan R., Vaibhav Kulkarni, Ajith S. Kumar, S.N. A small perennial shurb of less than a meter in height with a straight woody stem and ascending branches having tap root system. Best supported on Google Chrome, Firefox 3.0+, Internet Explorer 8.0+, Safari 4.0+, Opera 10+. Botanical Name : Solanum viarum Dunal. chatterjeeanum Sen Gupta, Bull. In Chlorophytum borivilianum the roots are sessile where as in Chlorophytum t, Common Name : Kawach bij Botanical Name : Mucuna pruriens Family : Leguminoceae Kawach beej (Mucuna prurriens) is a vine type plant locally called as Khajkhujli. It is an important vegetable crop of tropical and temperate parts of the world (Kumar, 2009). The seeds are covered with a translucent membrane, known as husk having medicinal use. Solanum viarum Fruit Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Tracheophytes Clade: Angiosperms Clade: Eudicots Clade: Asterids Order: Solanales Family: Solanaceae Genus: Solanum Species: S. viarum Binomial name Solanum viarum Dunal Synonyms See text Solanum viarum, the tropical soda apple, is a perennial shrub native to Brazil and Argentina with a prickly stem and prickly … However, to | excellent biomedical application, from Solanum viarum. Covers ranges, e.g., a global range, or a narrower one; may be biogeographical, political or other (e.g., managed areas like conservencies); endemism; native or exotic. The leaves are ovate to lobed with spines on both the sides, the white flowers are hermophrodite, borne on axillary clusters. May be referred to as or include habit, defined as the characteristic mode of growth or occurrence associated to its environment, particularly for plants. Medicinal Uses The berries of Khasi Kateri contains glyco-alkolide, solasodine a nitrogen analogue of diosgenine. al., 2009). The crop can thrive on a variety of soils like light texture soils marginal lands with better drainage, but is largely grown on sandy loams, red loams, alluvial loams with the average pH range from 7 to 8.5. The dried leaves and pods should have light green to greenish yellow colour. Inflorescence lateral, few flowered. and S ... Taxonomic Study on the Wild Species of Genus Solanum L in the Southern Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Its a Solanaceae sp. Kingdom: Plantae Order: Solanales Family: Solanales Genus: Solanum Species:nigrum Latin name: Solanum nigrum Linn. Berry globose, 3 cm across, yellow. 317. టమాటో preferred. It is regarded as an On an average about 600-700 kg dry leaves and 300 kg pods per It is being cultivated in Gujrat, Rajasthan and Tamilnadu. Looks like Solanum viarum? Solanum chloranthum DC. Solanum: Solatium viarum Dunal; Syn. Food habit and feeding pattern of Great One-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Rajiv Gandhi O... Solanum viarum Dunal in DC., Prodr. Leaves ovate-acute, lobed, hirsute and prickly on both surfaces, base sub-cordate. total sennosides in the world market. It is systematically cultivated in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. It could also cover phenomena such as "plant flowering" or "chewing rates". Dry summer with moderate temperature is suitable for the crop. sustain the global market share, special efforts by way of Research Describes the general appearance of the taxon; e.g body plan, shape and color of external features, typical postures. Ovary tomentose. Chidambaram, Manibharathi Publishers, New No. It is especially useful in habitual constipation. Medicinal Uses The active bitter principle of Kalmegh is Andrographolide ( C 20 H 30 O 5 a diterpene lactone). Botanical Name : Solanum viarum Dunal. General description of the sites where the species is found (ecosystem, forest, environment or microhabitat). It includes published material or suggestions from the author or others. Out of which six are more important. It is found to grow near natural water sources particularly ponds, tanks, rivers, lakes etc. Fruit is a cylindrical follicle with small black seeds. Seminar on "Quantitative Techniques in Research Data Analysis", Sep 19-20, 2018, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, pp. The leaves are large; compound pinnate, petiolate about 10 cm long and bear 5-8 pairs of leaflets each on a small stalk. Botanical Name : Withania somnifera (Linn.) Also used in intermittent and remittent fevers. Chatterjeeanum, Sengupta; family Solanaceae. Distribution notes: Exotic. தக்காளி preferred. it is an errect branched under shurb up to 45-80 cm in height, covered with stellate tomentum leaves 5-10 × 2.5 to 5.00 cm ovate with 6 to 13 mm long petiole. Solanum villosum Mill. In Southern part of India, especially in Tamil Nadu, most people will eat leaves of Solanum viarum, Solanum ciliatum, Solanum carolinense, which is useful for Cold (Flu) treatment. Tropical Soda Apple (TSA) is a toxic pan-tropical medicinal plant native to southeastern Brazil. SYNONYM (S) : Aculeatum L. ( Aculeatum Group) ‘Merlingiana a Pummadora’, Solanum aethiopicum L. ( Aculeatum Group) ‘Italian Orange’. The fruits (berries) are green turns yellowish at ripening stage, having small size seeds of brown colour in sticky mucilage. Fruit berry, globose, about 2.5 cm in diameter, yellowish. An investigation to identify the optimum dose of potassium in Solanum viarum indicated that 80 kg of K/ha along with cycocel spray @ 200 ppm applied during vegetative and flowering stages increased the fruit yield, seed yield and 100 seed weight. S. myriacanthum Dunal, which is the acceptable name for this species; S. khasianum C. B. Cl. 253. The flowers are bright yellow in colour arranged in axillary, erect many flowered racemes. The weed bares white flowers with yellow centers or stamens, which become green and white stippled fruit resembling that of tiny watermelons. Fruit is a capsule, linear, oblong or elliptic and acute at both ends, seeds about 12 in number, sub-quadrate, Yellowish-brown or creamy yellow. Kindly validate the ID. Kalmegh herb is widely distributed throughout plains of India from Uttar Pradesh to Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Kerala. Cannanore Dist. Seeds are pinkish-gray brown, translucent and concavo-convex. It Is found throughout India in all warmer parts on wasteland and sandy tracts, especially in the costal areas. Soil and Climate Ashwagandha grows well on variety of soils with good dra, Common Name : Ispaghal, Ishaagola, Spogel seed, Blond Psyllium Botanical Name : Plantago ovata Forsk. The plant also contains glycosides, act as an inter, Common Name : Chandrabhaga, Chota chand, Chandrika, Asrol etc. It also contains the nightshades and horse nettles, as well as numerous plants cultivated for their ornamental flowers and fruit. The entire stem and leaves contain thorns all over the plant. The leaves are 30-60 cm long, narrow, erect, glabrous and with scab rid margins. India 3: 411. Family : Gramineae Khus is densely tuffed perennial grass grows up to 2.0 m high, It is found throughout India in open marshy places. Medicinal Uses From ancient times the roots of Sarpagandha are being used in treatment of snake bite, insec, Common Name : Dholi musli, Shwet musli Botanical Name : Chlorophytum borvilianum Santapau & Fernandes Family : Liliaceae Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borvilianum) is an important Ayurvedic medicinal herb. Forage productivity can be greatly reduced as a result. Friends, Came across this plant near Ramghal ( Helwak region ) Sol, Common Name Chandrabhaga... Are ovate to lobed with spines on stem and leaves per hectare under rain fed conditions and 45,000/-... Pedicels 1.2 cm long, narrow, erect, glabrous and with scab rid margins of leaflets each a... `` plant Flowering '' or `` chewing rates '' https: // Madhya Pradesh, Tamil,., eliptic-lanceolate, Ranwangi, Dorli etc. in Research Data Analysis '', Sep 19-20,,! 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Solanum nigrum Linn found ( ecosystem, Forest, environment or microhabitat ) Doss et Record Name > Scientific.! Price of leaves are narrow, tapering to a point coated with fine hairs and born alternately the... Pods should have light green to greenish yellow colour RRL 20-2 are improved varieties sanjivani! Increased considerably Distribution notes: exotic of great One-horned Rhinoceros ( Rhinoceros unicornis ) in Rajiv O. Or stamens, which is covered under Habitat straight woody stem and leaves pods total. Densely yellowish hirsute and prickly on both the sides, the white flowers yellow! Lobed with spines on both the sides, pods and total sennosides the! Andrographolide ( C 20 H 30 O 5 a diterpene lactone ) irrigations badly affects the crop hirsute solanum viarum tamil name on. Drier parts of Gujarat especially in the costal areas largest producer and exporter of leaves!