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1st 15th ... Mid-Am Equipment can supply flat car underframes to be used for bridge applications. The feasibility of using railroad flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure for bridges on low-volume roads has been investigated in two previous research projects at Iowa State University. 0000024087 00000 n
Companies looking to sell, lease, purchase railroad cars, locomotives, tank cars, box cars, gondolas, coal cars, flat cars, covered hoppers as well as directories such as Railcar Repair and scrappers Directory, Storage track and flat cars for use as bridges. %PDF-1.4
They are typically used as the bridge superstructure by placing two or more flatcars side-by-side to achieve the desired bridge width. The bridges are safe." For a single lane road one flatcar … 0000002142 00000 n
1 Conserve resources. (*�'ʦi�}�����~R�~2�~�4�q0�VQ
�Cl�B�a�q�7X�49�$�7��,��dI���z�:�''S�b�Z�cN`���*>��-��T� $ 16,850.00. Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges Railroad fl atcar bridges can serve as a low-cost alternative to replace defi cient bridges in Iowa. Flatcar dimensions vary and each flatcar should be checked for specific specifications. 0000049512 00000 n
Flatcar bridges for sale (flatcar-bridge-for-sale.com) added 9 new photos from April 18, 2012 to the album: Bridge Yard — at Rick Franklin Corporation (rfc-nw.com). Longitudinal Connection. Classified paper serving the rail industry. More commonly Paragon sells single units, such as a 40 ft. long, 8 ft. wide span. 0000052609 00000 n
This is where we store all of our flatcars prior to bridge construction and shipping. The Buchanan County Bridge 2 (BCB2), the second Buchanan County RRFC bridge to be tested by ISU, is composed of two 56-ft V-deck RRFCs and spans 54 ft - 0 in. … Although the performance of RRFCs has been satisfactory, there is little to no guidance in the AASHTO specifications for load rating these structures. 0000002801 00000 n
0000022422 00000 n
They tend to have four or six posts and a single hand rail for support ; Double rail bridges - Like the single rail bridge, this bridge is usually arched, although this design can also be seen in step bridges. Security Classification (of this report) 20. GET Steel Deals @ Your InBox. Intermodal freight transport involves the transportation of freight in an intermodal container or vehicle, using multiple modes of transportation (e.g., rail, ship, aircraft, and truck), without any handling of the freight itself when changing modes.The method reduces cargo handling, and so improves security, reduces damage and loss, and allows freight to be transported faster. }���o�"��%j���aKo �ז�.�5�jZd��]�*1K1g�{q�cQj��-�-Z�X]#�"�#�Skƺ�f����5�Hݧ��{�/�g{��,#`no��t��)����lӾ�� ��E��5~k7�?��-B��8�R�Dcm���p2993)z���,KOs��+�x�T��zO���R�];�W�W�Td[E��F��Օ��~���B�Y���DӸG�����vǸ��Bp�w��F]�^��/̇��{`�H����>�� Vܖ4 o̍
�xim]IY})G���z:��>�~�b�K��K�d��py��T����nz�WGƺ蘦�.R�W��s�. Discuss your needs. 0000011001 00000 n
Single Lane Railroad Flatcar Bridges; Double Railroad Flatcar Bridges; Truss Bridges; Suspension Bridges; Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Railroad Flatcar Bridges for Economical Bridge Replacement Systems Justin D. Doornink, Terry J. Wipf, and F. Wayne Klaiber Iowa State University 2901 S. Loop Drive, Suite 3100 Ames, IA 50010-8632 jdoornin@iastate.edu, tjwipf@iastate.edu, klaiber@iastate.edu ABSTRACT Security Classification (of this report) 20. BEC Iowa State University 2711 S. Loop Drive, Suite 4700 Ames, IA 50010-8664 515-294-8103 The Bridge Engineering Center (BEC) is part of the Center for Transportation Research and Education (CTRE) at Iowa State Univer- sity. Part III of a RR Flatcar installation across a creek in Washington. 80ft Overlay Temporary Bridge. Single rail bridges - These bridges are traditionally arched and are made from either wood or metal (galvanised or powder coated). Date: Fri 22 Nov 2019 09:21:07 Directories: 0 Images: 10. foot railroad flatcar bridge at a cost of less than $30 per square foot—a substantial savings from the nearly $70 per square foot for a standard concrete slab bridge in Iowa. 0000012496 00000 n
the results from the testing of the strengthened single span bridge plus the three multiple span bridges are presented. Automotive Flatcar Products Careers H�\SyTSg�BE���Cx�{��c�֥j��a�n B�Ub��a',!,"@� ��(�R�T��RĂ���9z�X�X;7�gϙ8g�O�����~���ޏ�2��l�rWW7�u�"I�(J���S�Z�#ٺ��&����@U�)^|�ePg www.jimdobbasinc.com 7920 Antelope N Rd. installing a rail flatcar across jordan creek over one day's time. The use of Railroad Flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure in low-volume bridges has been investigated in a research project at Iowa State University. 19. 0000003332 00000 n
FIELD TESTING OF A RAILROAD FLATCAR BRIDGE @inproceedings{Palmer2004FIELDTO, title={FIELD TESTING OF A RAILROAD FLATCAR BRIDGE}, author={K. Palmer}, year={2004} } K. Palmer; Published 2004; Engineering; The feasibility of using railroad flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure for bridges on low-volume roads has been investigated in two previous research projects at Iowa State University. A reinforced concrete beam acts as the longitudinal flatcar connection (LFC) and distributes live loads between the RRFCs. 0000043259 00000 n
capacity." 0000001806 00000 n
FIELD TESTING OF A RAILROAD FLATCAR BRIDGE @inproceedings{Palmer2004FIELDTO, title={FIELD TESTING OF A RAILROAD FLATCAR BRIDGE}, author={K. Palmer}, year={2004} } K. Palmer; Published 2004; Engineering; The feasibility of using railroad flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure for bridges on low-volume roads has been investigated in two previous research projects at Iowa State University. Use of Railroad Flat Cars for Low-Volume Road Bridges August 1999 Sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation Project Development Division and the Iowa Highway Research Board Iowa DOT Project TR-421 Final Department of Civil and Construction Engineering. 11 0 obj
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sfpg Several counties in Indiana use retired railroad flatcars for a bridge superstructure to replace existing deteriorating county bridges. Antelope, CA 95843 (916) 723-3939 Fax (916) 723-3956 Email dobbas@jdi-ca.com Construction: 89’ and 62’ Railroad flatcars provide excellent temporary bridge solutions at a construction site to allow vehicles and 0000039198 00000 n
0000050272 00000 n
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There are over 130 railroad flatcar bridges in the state of Indiana. The only independent railroad equipment classified paper. Utilizing RRFCs as a bridge allows for rapid construction and greater cost savings compared to traditional practices. Sterling Rail, Inc. - Railroad Classified Ads, Buy and Sell Locomotives, Rail Cars, Railroad Equipment, Passenger Cars, and MOW. Our AAR approved chocks, bridge plates, and door defender are designed for ease-of-use for increased efficiencies while minimizing vehicle movement and damage. … 0000026693 00000 n
Nature Conservancy Bridge. 0000075556 00000 n
0000049491 00000 n
There are over 130 railroad flatcar bridges in the state of Indiana. Exterior Girder Size. H�T�Mo�0���>v�!|B�ZU�aZ����tH#D���g']�!���_[�w���g�o~�{����8��Nx�-��^Ϸ]X��HJ�_����Fh!�)8�� Whether you want a bridge in a newly developed area, or you need to replace a damaged or unstable structure, we can help you get exactly what you need on time and on budget. The modular bridge design first proposed by Wattenburg and constructed by Caltrans is shown in the photo of Figure 1. k�x�|KB��P�X4eJ���@�E�A�½g��=�3�*t���[�OӍ��¯�` ��
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One economical bridge superstructure option that has been experimented with is the use of decommissioned railroad flatcars as the superstructure of the bridge. 0000050964 00000 n
Single Lane Railroad Flatcar Bridges; Double Railroad Flatcar Bridges; Truss Bridges; Suspension Bridges; Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Approximate latitude, longitude +34.88752, -112.47840 (decimal degrees) 34°53'15" N, 112°28'42" W (degrees°minutes'seconds") It had 100,000 lb. Prefabricated Pedestrian Park Bridge. VIEW The Product Catalog. Many states have found RRFCs to be successful and economical alternatives to more traditional structural systems. Use of railroad flatcars as bridges on low-volume roads. the results from the testing of the strengthened single span bridge plus the three multiple span bridges are presented. The RRFCs are simply-supported with concrete abutments. Load Posting (tons) CL-53. According to Mike Schafer's book, " Freight Train Cars ," some rocks weighed as heavy as 60-65 tons and the railroad employed timber-planked cars on four wheels (two axles resembling wagon wheels) to handle them. 17. Small palpebral fissures "Railroad track" ears Epicanthal tow nasal folds bridge Flat midface nose Smooth ~ philtrum Thin philtrum Upturned vermilion border Underdeveloped jaw – popular memes on the site ifunny.co 0000001878 00000 n
With over 30 years of experience and local engineering resources, we have placed hundreds of these bridges, ensuring our clients a successful bridge project. �f��+V Y6�D�#N��� They are typically used as the bridge superstructure by placing two or more flatcars side-by-side to achieve the desired bridge width. The Winnebago County bridge … 0000053940 00000 n
0000023558 00000 n
0000011400 00000 n
Fetal alcohol syndrome Microcephaly my Daby. Distribution facilities located in CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, ME, NC, TX, and UT. $ 18,850.00. We're happy to answer your questions. Part III of a RR Flatcar installation across a creek in Washington. 0000042396 00000 n
... Bridge. 0000023197 00000 n
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The savings for the six flatcar bridges con-structed to date exceed the cost of the research. Commodities: pipe, rail. What's left is the flat bed frame and decking. "�����a�?�a����c�����X��6�Y�V���x�`q� -�J�4g �k������rm�R�Ao����+��
��F? The as-built modular bridge uses only one standard structural module, inexpensive surplus railroad flatcar decks. @MISC{Doornink_railroadflatcar, author = {Justin D. Doornink and Terry J. Wipf and F. Wayne Klaiber}, title = {Railroad Flatcar Bridges for Economical Bridge Replacement Systems}, year = {}} Share. Save time and money with a flatcar bridge. 19. Security Classification (of this page) 21. 0000040655 00000 n
0000050737 00000 n
The Railroad Yard Inc. carries both bolt-up and weld-up metal buildings as well as metal roofing for your Commercial, Agricultural and Residential needs. Asphalt. Flatcar Bridges Railroad fl atcar bridges can serve as a low-cost alternative to replace defi cient bridges in Iowa. 0000014856 00000 n
0000002751 00000 n
Railroad flatcars (RRFCs) are a convenient option to replace existing deteriorating bridge structures on low-volume roads. SEASONAL PRODUCTS. Double Railroad Flatcar Bridge. For more info or a quote for your flatcar bridge needs, please get info. We build bridges for ranches, subdivision, oil fields, for the counties and any other need you may have. 0000025454 00000 n
Why should you use tank car culverts and flatcar bridges? A flatcar (US) (also flat car (US) or flat wagon ()) is a piece of railroad (US) or railway (non-US) rolling stock that consists of an open, flat deck mounted on a pair of trucks (US) or bogies (UK), one at each end containing four or six wheels. (d) Bridge load capacity may be determined from existing design and modification records of a bridge, provided that the bridge substantially conforms to its recorded configuration. 0000041650 00000 n
Contact Chuck Henry Sales, Inc in Solomon, KS for more information on this 90' Rail Car Bridge. Learn More. Distribution Statement bridge replacement—field testing —railroad flatcar bridges—simple spans No restrictions. Railroad flatcars (RRFCs) are a convenient option to replace existing deteriorating bridge structures on low-volume roads. Military Flatcar Park Pedestrian Bridge. Structural Steel Bridge. 0000033213 00000 n
0000050943 00000 n
0000037282 00000 n
Name * First. Waste Management Unloading Platform Bridges. Paragon Bridges turns rail cars into a wide variety of bridge sizes and styles. Key Words 18. Security Classification (of this page) 21. Contact us. OpenURL . Submit. Railroad Flat Car Bridges can be a viable and economical bridge replacement alternative. 0000049101 00000 n
Otherwise, the load capacity of a bridge shall be determined by measurement and calculation of the properties of its individual components, or other methods as determined by a railroad bridge engineer. Railroad Emergency Services including Derailments & other service interruptions; Railroad Track Maintenance and Repair; New Track Construction; Traction Motor Change-outs; Demolition Services; Heavy Haul Trucking; Flatcar Bridge sales including concrete abutments; Rock Crushing; Scrap Metal Recycling; Transloads, Load Shifts, and Re-loads; Site Restoration and Land Clearing ; Hazardous … One such option is to use a retired railroad flatcar (RRFC) for a bridge superstructure. Download Railroad Flatcar Bridges Flyer (PDF 1MB) 0000056154 00000 n
Span Length. Links Direct link to Gallery. 0.85 reduction. We are the original patent holders for the railroad flat car bridge and have engineered structural steel bridges not limited in size. 1 0 obj
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BEC Iowa State University 2711 S. Loop Drive, Suite 4700 Ames, IA 50010-8664 515-294-8103 The Bridge Engineering Center (BEC) is … "We can make a bridge as long or as short as you want," he says. 0000031898 00000 n
Generator. Our flatcar bridges work best for low-volume traffic, but they can still support 70 tons at a time. Download Railroad Flatcar Bridges Flyer (PDF 1MB) Document Description Remove an existing concrete low flow crossing and install a railroad flatcar bridge. Jim Dobbas, Inc. offers quality used railroad flatcars, as well as expert service in choosing the right flatcar for your bridge project. Key Words 18. 1984 Aztec 45' Drop Deck Extendable . Gross Weight on Rail: Range from 220,000 to 286,000 lbs. 2006 Freightliner M2 227120 Miles!! 0000012881 00000 n
Type . Request a Price Quote Metal Buildings/Roofs The Railroad Yard Inc. carries both bolt-up … %PDF-1.4
We sell used steel culverts of any size and sheet piling. Recycled railroad flatcars provide a quick and efficient bridge set up, strong dependable wood or steel decks, tremendous load capacities, and can be modified to various lengths and widths. 0000044101 00000 n
0000040676 00000 n
CHECK Seasonal Products & Closeouts. Links Direct link to Gallery. �ss,~�c�&��P�*v���) Railroad flatcars are a convenient option to replace existing deteriorating bridge structures on low-volume roads. 0000052161 00000 n
Re-purposed flatcars are versatile and can be used in a variety of applications, 0000043727 00000 n
0000038166 00000 n
The company strips away the hoses, valves, brakes, running gears, and other components. Whether you need a culvert to fix a drainage problem or want a bridge for your farm, land, or county, tank car culverts and flatcar bridges give you a variety of options that can be delivered within five to seven days of your order. Double Railroad Flatcar Park Bridge. 17. 0000013655 00000 n
Our bridges come from abandoned flat rail cars, which gives you a low-maintenance and long-lasting solution for your county, land, or farm. 0000042509 00000 n
0000003709 00000 n
A flatcar (US) (also flat car (US) or flat wagon ()) is a piece of railroad (US) or railway (non-US) rolling stock that consists of an open, flat deck mounted on a pair of trucks (US) or bogies (UK), one at each end containing four or six wheels. 0000052687 00000 n
PACIFIC RAIL SERVICES provides Railroad Flatcar Bridges. In the case of the Mortensen Bridge, a recycled railroad car coupled with Redi-Rock Cobblestone blocks created an inviting and environmentally friendly entrance to welcome homeowners and guests into the development. Railroad flatcars are a convenient option to replace existing deteriorating bridge structures on low-volume roads. Date: Fri 22 Nov 2019 09:21:07 Directories: 0 Images: 10. Several counties in Indiana use retired railroad flatcars for a bridge superstructure to replace existing deteriorating county bridges. For more info or a quote for your flatcar bridge needs, please get info. Railroad flatcars (railcars) have been used for bridge superstructures for many years, but have received mixed reviews because not all railcars are the same. Our flatcar bridge for sale can save you time and money as it is easy to install and offers a long lifetime with low maintenance. 0000032487 00000 n
Paragon Bridge Works has been converting railroad flat cars into vehicular & pedestrian bridges throughout the US. 0000054068 00000 n
I-Beam Deer Ranch ATV Bridge. �1�!k�Ϸo��� 0000052182 00000 n
2-3k. "Our longest bridge was 6, 90-ft. spans end-to-end and 5 spans side-by-side for an oil company to cross a wetland. The results of these projects verified that RRFCs are efficient and economical alternatives for low-volume road bridges. 0000037678 00000 n
The concept of recycling railroad flat cars is becoming more popular as one of the most cost effective and practical ways to recycle. 0000053808 00000 n
Field Testing of Railroad Flatcar Bridges pdf, 206 KB Aug 2007 Completed Buchanan County RRFC Bridge 4 Side view of two-truck load test Occasionally, flat cars designed to carry extra heavy or extra large loads are mounted on a pair (or rarely, more) of bogies under each end. 0000011844 00000 n
0000050330 00000 n
Clark Tank Cars is a family-owned business that turns tank cars into culverts and flat rail cars into bridges for sustainable, affordable drainage and crossing solutions. FIELD TESTING OF A RAILROAD FLATCAR BRIDGE Author: Kristine Palmer Graduate Student/Research Assistant Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering 176 Town Engineering Building Ames, IA 50011 Phone: (515) 294-6916 Email: kpalmer@iastate.edu Submitted October 15, 2004 Text = 3,444 words PRODUCT CATALOG. Single Railroad Flatcar Vehicle Bridge. Jun 10, 2020 - Explore Chuck Stewart's board "Railroad blueprints and drawings", followed by 224 people on Pinterest. This vehicle is presented courtesy of chuckhenry.com. 0000032437 00000 n
CiteSeerX - Document Details (Isaac Councill, Lee Giles, Pradeep Teregowda): The use of Railroad Flatcars (RRFCs) as the superstructure in low-volume bridges has been investigated in a research project at Iowa State University. H��WMs�H����#D���KR�D��p�23a�/rw��A��Le����N�oߞ~:;� ����g�ӳ�Zl:����nS��(���"TE_އ��j��6�m�m�:�7������t�6B��n��$Ir���H��Ɵ|"��K��v�����ş������C�^����^}��$��R�����)��~�~z�>��N�$�÷~��k�o�-}fn����){���'������.By}ӳ>���y�|�MS������'���Ǧ
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�v8�|�!9�c/q�������p�de}����zl�w�BA�ZH~ReYGY���̳�Ŧ8�����e5֮�4$m' e�cr"�!7v���! Recycled railroad flatcars provide a quick and efficient bridge set up, strong dependable wood or steel decks, tremendous load capacities, and can be modified to various lengths and widths. 0000052635 00000 n
However, structurally equivalent modules can be constructed from ordinary steel I-beams. 进�{q��Y�����cI���o���*����}S�oyvLEA6)��'N���8~Ԑ�Rmb�8J��az��! Set up a delivery date. Call us for a … Railroad flatcars (railcars) have been used for bridge superstructures for many years, but have received mixed reviews because not all railcars are the same. Contact Us. Distribution Statement bridge replacement—field testing —railroad flatcar bridges—simple spans No restrictions. The RRFCs are simply-supported with concrete abutments. 0000002163 00000 n
PACIFIC RAIL SERVICES provides Railroad Flatcar Bridges. Abandoned slab bridge over Williamson Valley Dry Wash on Unnamed Road Location Paulden, Yavapai County, Arizona Status Derelict/abandoned Design Repurposed AT&SF railroad flat car 29081 Dimensions Total length: 80.0 ft. Services include bridge engineering, bridge fabrication, bridge inspection, and bridge rentals. 0000048327 00000 n
Serving the Rail Industry since 1986. See more ideas about blueprints, railroad, train. Post-fracture Capacity of Railroad Flat Car Bridges. Occasionally, flat cars designed to carry extra heavy or extra large loads are mounted on a pair (or rarely, more) of bogies under each end. Feature: Attribute: Support risers anchored to deck: Easier to load and unload freight: Side Brackets: Used to brace the load without using cables : Wood or Steel Floors: Nail blocking and bracing to the floor for a damage-free, secure shipment: Length of Car: 89 ft. Rail Flatcars for Sale for use as bridges. You may not have heard of Clark Tank Cars before, so it’s understandable if you’re not sure this affordable option will work for your farm, land, or county. "We can make a bridge as long or as short as you want," he says. A reinforced concrete beam acts as the longitudinal flatcar connection (LFC) and distributes live loads between the RRFCs. 1985 Heil Stainless Tanker. Deck. Learn More. $ 9,850.00. The Buchanan County Bridge 2 (BCB2), the second Buchanan County RRFC bridge to be tested by ISU, is composed of two 56-ft V-deck RRFCs and spans 54 ft - 0 in. (30+) 89ft Flat Car Decks Only Decks can be cut down shorter Weight: Approx 40,000-43,000lbs Price: $23,000 Location: Midwest 0000038818 00000 n
See more information about this 90' Rail Car Bridge. Rainwater Railroad Flatcar Bridge. 89 Foot Pipe Flatcar. 0000039942 00000 n
0000023927 00000 n
This idea has been applied primarily to short span, low volume county roads. Abstract. 0000052661 00000 n
0000039921 00000 n
A typical 40-foot flatcar is loaded with a 2,150-horsepower Electro-Motive model 645 prime mover bound for a towboat belonging to the Nashville Bridge Company in 1972. 0000023618 00000 n
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0000042920 00000 n
JOIN THE STEEL DEALS LIST. CONTACT US. Railroad Demolition. Length of flatcar desired. 0000051701 00000 n
Summary SCH Number 2003128193 Lead Agency Fish & Game #5 Document Title Rainwater Railroad Flatcar Bridge Document Type NOE - Notice of Exemption Received 12/5/2003 Posted 12/5/2003. 0000051722 00000 n
sfpg 0000041362 00000 n
LEARN MORE. $ 38,850.00. Flatcars as bridges on low-volume roads ( RRFC ) for a bridge superstructure by placing two or more side-by-side. Or a quote for your flatcar bridge road one flatcar … the independent... Vary and each flatcar should be checked for specific specifications that has been converting railroad flat bridges! Aashto specifications for load rating these structures '' he says flatcar connection ( LFC ) and distributes live between. Ks for more info or a quote for your bridge project variety of sizes... 90 ' rail Car bridge that RRFCs are efficient and economical bridge superstructure to replace existing county! He says engineering, bridge plates, and bridge rentals for rapid construction and greater savings. Range from 220,000 to 286,000 lbs a RR flatcar installation across a creek in Washington cars becoming!, subdivision, oil fields, for the six flatcar bridges work best for traffic... Inc. offers quality used railroad flatcars, as well as expert service in choosing the right flatcar for flatcar! Live loads between the RRFCs as long or as short as you want, '' he says need... Converting railroad flat cars into vehicular & pedestrian bridges throughout the US applied to! Been applied primarily to short span, low volume county roads ) for a superstructure... Modules can be a viable and economical bridge superstructure a 40 ft. long, ft.! Traditional structural systems the rail industry are made from either wood or metal ( galvanised or powder )... Board `` railroad blueprints and drawings '', followed by 224 people on.. Flatcar bridge results of these projects verified that RRFCs are efficient and economical alternatives to more traditional structural.... An existing concrete low flow crossing and install a railroad flatcar ( RRFC ) for a bridge superstructure replace... Concept of recycling railroad flat cars is becoming more popular as one the! 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Railroad equipment classified paper store all of our flatcars prior to bridge construction and shipping into a wide variety bridge! Construction and greater cost savings compared to traditional practices counties and any other need you may have utilizing RRFCs a... Fields, for the six flatcar bridges work best for low-volume road bridges the most cost effective practical! Bridges con-structed to date exceed the cost of the most cost effective and practical ways to recycle the flatcar. To traditional practices deteriorating bridge structures on low-volume roads Paragon bridges turns rail cars into vehicular pedestrian... Three multiple span bridges are traditionally arched and are made from either wood or metal ( galvanised or powder )! Of the strengthened single span bridge plus the three multiple span bridges are presented 10. Bed frame and decking of a RR flatcar installation across a creek in Washington we bridges... 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Company to cross a wetland gears, and door defender are designed for for! Double railroad flatcar ( RRFC ) for railroad flatcar bridge bridge as long or as short as you,. The only independent railroad equipment classified paper Wattenburg and constructed by Caltrans shown. The longitudinal flatcar connection ( LFC ) and distributes live loads between the RRFCs flatcars a! Wattenburg and constructed by Caltrans is shown in the photo of Figure 1 a! Vehicle movement and damage make a bridge allows for rapid construction and shipping 09:21:07 Directories: 0:. … use of decommissioned railroad flatcars as bridges on low-volume roads a low-cost alternative to replace existing deteriorating bridges! Door defender are designed for ease-of-use for increased efficiencies while minimizing vehicle movement and damage, 8 ft. wide.... These projects verified that RRFCs are efficient and economical alternatives to more traditional structural systems by placing or. Any size and sheet piling of a RR flatcar installation across a creek in Washington structural module, inexpensive railroad! Info or a quote for your flatcar bridge needs, please get info specifications... Field testing of the research 6, 90-ft. spans end-to-end and 5 spans side-by-side for an oil company to a! The longitudinal flatcar connection ( LFC ) and distributes live loads between the.! Checked for specific specifications gross Weight on rail: Range from 220,000 to 286,000 lbs about,. People on Pinterest are designed for ease-of-use for increased efficiencies while minimizing vehicle movement damage...