Take Ballet lessons: English Youth Ballet are live streaming classes on Instagram. Help with grief add remove. Will definitely try the ones that are appropriate to our context. A reason for teens to join Facebook if ever there was one. Very fiddly, very time-consuming, very addictive once you have all the sprinkles and melted chocolate buttons to play with. During quarantine, we’ve done some light painting, which is a great way to learn about long exposure. Some of these skills I can teach Flea myself. You could add tick boxes or a spot to write the date when you complete each item. They will generally be only too happy to dive into the archives and share recommendations with people who are stuck inside the house. Google Arts & Culture: Google has an online repository of cultural imagery from museums, galleries and institutions all over the world. Ooh that’s one I need to add to the list! Creative craft Try do it yourself fun craft like sewing a quilt, knitting a scarf, creating a photo collage album, building a birdhouse from ice-cream sticks, and decorating plastic pot plant holders, to name a few. There are so many amazing ideas here thank you. But we recently set her the challenge of creating a movie watchlist to share with my parents, who are isolating at home. Add a £12 bundle of tennis balls, and Flea has a fabulous training resource, which she’s working with for just 15 minutes a day. TikTok recipes tend to be short, accessible and teen-friendly, and come highly recommended. You can find free business planning templates to guide you on the government business website. Do a jigsaw: Have a dig around in the loft – there’s bound to be at least one. Which is good because I gave up Physics when I was 13. If you are trying to parent a teenager in the Age of Coronavirus, then you have my sympathies. Haha yes it’s a struggle. I have found as a single Mum my enthusiasm is waning and this has given me the boost I need. Once they’ve had their fill of fixing the cupboard doors, cooking the family dinner, and perfecting their physics, it’s probably fair to let them have some fun. Learn to Juggle: Careful with this one. You'll need: Bubble bath, facemasks, cucumber slices, dressing gowns, nail polish, candles and any other spa staples you can think of Some teens love to be pampered and there's no better time than a birthday to do it. Brilliant Helen! Olha Madylus. Here's our mammoth list of activities to keep the kids engaged 1 Den Most parents can remember building a den as a child, usually with nothing more than … Flea loved downloading protest placards from anti-racism demonstrations, along with images for coursework. We found a rebound net on AOSOM that’s less than half the price of the major sports brands. Go to the theatre: Every Thursday at 7pm National Theatre are showing free full length productions of their best shows such as One Man Two Guvnors with James Corden, See a ballet: Likewise, the Royal Ballet is uploading full productions to its YouTube page. Here are some things that they will condescend to do: Just Dance: To be fair, my daughter will happily spend 2 hours exercising if it’s on Just Dance. Just make sure YOU find the clips and don’t turn a teen loose on TikTok. Enrol in Stage School: It might sound strange but lockdown is the perfect time to start acting classes. Enter your email address to receive notifications of new posts by email. We invited all of our neighbours to join a Facebook group. It’s like a game of chance and brings a bit of mystery to the activities! When it comes to homework and revision? That was my aim. It was a struggle being a single work from home mom of a 12 yr ole (now 13) and focus his energies whilst I was working. Helping Teenagers Cope With Lockdown. Play Dungeons & Dragons: You can play D&D online. We’re in our third coronavirus lockdown in the UK, but we might as well be starting the 12th year of a life sentence in prison as far as my bored teenagers are concerned. Headspace: I know, they’re going to roll their eyes, but make them do it. Whether it's in your garden, during your a walk or in your local park. During the coronavirus lockdown, cooking is especially recommended as an activity for autistic people as, not only does it give you a tasty way to kill time, but it also provides the opportunity to create some of those treasured foods which you might not currently have access to. Learn about Art: Google Arts and Culture has a huge rabbit hole of art, architecture and cultural nuggets to fall down. Life can seem harsh and sad at the moment. Parents were inundated with colourful lesson plans worthy of the best Reception teachers (had Miss Jones been one of those CBeebies-style classroom heroes that leave me exhausted after just a 10 minute parent-teacher consultation). Teens pride themselves on their knowledge of Netflix, Prime and Sky TV. If your teenager has taken you up on the holiday planning activity this could work well alongside it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still Maths and Physics, but if your teenager has specific GCSE problems to work on they might find the answers here. Check out some of our favourite teen movies and movies from the 1980s to share with your kids. Hope it helps. Why not devote an evening to introducing your teen to Ferris Bueller and other classics? My brain needed it all in one space. Another one could be make visors for the nhs. Toast marshmallows: If winter weather puts a stop to garden camping, get hold of a fire pit and toast marshmallows. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I am not even embarrassed to admit I'm hiding from, **GIVEAWAY** Sending love to all the parents with, Five years ago today we were in Jamaica. Don’t try the family version either – it’s a poor relation to the real thing). Photography Tricks: Flea is sitting GCSE photography so anything that involves her camera counts as education. Learn to sew: If you have a sewing machine you can pick up basic sewing techniques through YouTube videos. H x, Ahh I’m so glad Hayley. Watch a TedED: From the makers of TED talks TedED offers brilliant educational talks, as well as a daily email of lesson plans for any age group. How to survive having teenagers at home: Experts share advice for parents in lockdown with grown-up children - including having daily 'check-ins' and using 'I' instead of 'you' She spends a bit too much time on the Internet. I had lots of suggestions for this list, including mothers of teenagers who’d had frantic phone calls in the middle of the night from almost adult children who were quite literally casting about in the dark! and Pictionary. Trying to keep them entertained without the use of screens is almost impossible! Brilliant thanks Joanna, that’s a new one for me too! Have a virtual film night with friends: Netflix Party allows you to watch a film with friends – and the upside is that this time no one else can hog the popcorn. 11 Crafts For Kids To Keep … Learn to make the perfect sourdough, and even to create amazing doughnuts from just £10. No worries. so many great ideas and links…. Maybe this will be the thing to come out of lockdown that we can carry forward. So much to learn! Make a photo book: You know all those family holiday photos you’ve  been meaning to put into an album..? Stage Academy are an established performing arts school, who like everyone else have had to temporarily stop live classes. We got up. (Check first that they’re accepting external post). In this article, Olha Madylus summarises key points from her recent webinar, focussing particularly at this time, on doing … They will auto-pilot their way to the Playstation, but you could try diverting them to some of these activities before they zone out completely: Go to the theatre: Several theatres are live-streaming their productions during lockdown. It’s so important that she isn’t lonely during this time. … Flea's Dad LOVES to tell her that I'm uncultured. Play board games or do a puzzle Board games and jigsaw puzzles aren't just for the younger kids, so dust off those boxes. If you’ve never listened to a podcast, here’s mine – Teenage Kicks, a mental health podcast aimed at teens and their parents. My name is Sally, and I’m emotionally autistic. The romance of it! Learn how your comment data is processed. If you need some ideas to calm your anxiety, or just want to wind down and relax, here are some ideas you can do from the comfort of your own home. It costs you nothing extra, and I’ve only recommended things I’ve used or had recommended to me by other parents of teenagers. Sally is a full-time blogger and founder of the Tots100, Trips100, Foodies100 and HIBS100 communities, along with the MAD Blog Awards. And I’ve come up with 20+ definitely not-lame activities for teens that they can try during the coronavirus lockdown. The world is literally your teen’s oyster. Our neighbours have also created community Easter Egg hunts, chalk games on the pavements and a request to wave to a little boy who is at home being shielded. Some fab ideas here, and ones that even my 9yo might be interested in. Watch Plays: Loads of classic plays are available to stream online, which can help support school subjects. Strava a bike ride: Our school is sticking to a full schedule of lessons right now (thank the lord! I was so stressed going back and forth between tabs and facebook pages. Learn to touch type: Have you seen how kids type? I’m definitely hoping to try this apple pie recipe! These lockdown birthday party ideas for older kids might help them feel a bit better, and might even turn a ‘ruined’ birthday into a happy lockdown memory. We will make it work! If you have a young poet, they could win £50 for them and £50 for their school in this competition. I do like having all these ideas collated in one place. Learn a new word from the dictionary: Quick daily English activity. See a ballet: Likewise, the Royal Ballet is uploading full productions to its YouTube page. Create an Anime: If your teenager is into graphic design,  Anime is a good way to use time and learn a new skill. To give you some inspiration, we've put together some outdoor activities … Lots of brilliant ideas, thank you. During lockdown – and for a £10 donation to the homeless charity he supports – you can play the digital download version of Taskmaster at home. And did I miss reading a book? Imagine if your boyfriend could one day look back on the one that got away (or your life partner could quote it in their wedding vows) by reading an actual hand-written letter. I’ll be updating this post this week with new suggestions so do come back! With another lockdown imminent I went searching and found you! I’m such a control freak in the kitchen that I’ve never handed that task over to my kids, but they need to learn to cook more than beans before they leave home. This seems like money well spent to me. Many of the sessions focus on helping kids with things like public speaking, resilience, confidence and leadership. This could take on all sorts of angles – how well do you know your teenage daughter? We’ve found it’s so easy to get lost in this site. Wow! While you may not be able to drop them off now, you can certainly get them organized. I was a bit worried for my 13yo daughter (no siblings) with the upcoming May-holiday and my husband and I having to work (from home). Which I’m calling a win. Who knew cornflour and glycerine could make such a cool mix? So basically it’s being in their room but with their legs moving. I wanted to share how we are managing with a 20-year-old (home from University) and a 16-year-old who has had exams cancelled. Now if I can only get the teens out of bed …. And you don’t want yet another reason for a sibling meltdown. Wild wishes from me to you and yours for a safe and healthy time during this pandemic. Visit https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue. Not only has he uploaded lessons on specific topics including Physics, English Lit, and Maths, he also livestreams lessons every day on his channel Lockdown Lessons. Great list for teens, some interesting ideas and also day to day stuff they can easily do but wouldn’t always think of. I know they chat while they’re playing and those games, along with House Party, allow Flea to feel connected with other kids. You'll need: a large piece of card or paper and coloured pens. Disclosure: some of the links to products I’ve suggested are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commision if you use them to make a purchase. There are lots of podcast hosting platforms, and most of them have really good idiot guides to explain how to do it. 1. Just remember to get your ski gear out of the loft first. I am hoping to improve on our last lockdown “non- experiences”. Being reported as a fake. They cover all ages from 4-18, it costs £10 a month (honestly SUCH good value for money), and you get a free 7 day trial – it’s a no-brainer. Disclaimer: this may not improve the quality of their writing…. So I’ve had to be a bit inventive. This post includes 30+ teenage activities. Still working on the other! Thank you very much for the ideas, thought and effort that would have gone into producing the list. Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash. But if you’re a parent of teenagers you’ll know that no amount of online craft or virtual space exploration is cutting it right now. Oh thank you so much for commenting – I’m glad this is going to help. There’s £1,000 on offer to a young writer of adventure stories. BBC Bitesize: Revision activities for all subjects at all levels, plus daily online lessons coming from 20 April. Once you’ve done that, you can make your own clothes, or even set up an eBay shop to earn money in lockdown. This means Flea can improve her editing skills. Learn to change a lightbulb: I’m not kidding! 100 activity ideas you do indoors during lockdown. Pfft. You’ll never know if you never try. Oh gosh that’s hard to have one away at this time. Mention PE with Joe Wicks in front of my teenagers and they’ll deadpan you. Geoguessr is honestly the BEST fun and sometimes it’s crazy hard, but that just makes me happier when I work it out. Hopefully they’ll find something to interest them. She can use her iPhone to track her speed and distance. Discover how AI can easily make your lockdown less boring! Code Academy offers free coding classes online. My son is going with taking his bike out and trying to improve his distance on Strava. I picked this tip up from Future Quest, who have some suggestions for teenage activities I haven’t covered here, so do head over for a look. There are plenty of things for kids to do but honestly, when it comes down it, it depends on the kid. If you’ve no romantic attachments your Grandma would love you forever (and probably send cash at Easter). Organize clothes to donate. Take a Spa Day: Frankly, I am not above asking my teen to give me a shoulder massage. Great list, Some amazing ideas here. They have to exercise on their own, and provide proof in the form of a video or app upload. It’s seriously good for changing how you think about things, including coronavirus anxiety. Sadly, during this time your teen could experience the death of someone they know. Projects are an often over-looked activity in Teen classrooms, but there are many good reasons for making space for them in the language-learning experience of Teen students. Thanks for a great post. Your challenge is to try and work out where in the world you might be. Flea has been showing her Dad how to use TikTok and WhatsApp while they’re distancing. I would try and get mine to join a family quiz but I suspect they’d rather figure out on House Party which Riverdale character their friends are than be involved in a quiz that *might* involve talking about politics and horse racing. Ask your teen to go through their closet to determine what to donate. BBC Bitesize: Revision activities for all subjects at all levels, plus … It’s basically playing a game where you’re in charge of the whole world! ): FEMAIL reveals 20 family activities to try at home - from making art with autumn leaves to going on a … Online Lessons: Mr Azfar on YouTube is an utter genius in my opinion. Even better, during the quarantine, The Globe Theatre is making six plays available for free via the Globe Player. I have gathered these from a range of sources. I think there’s a lot to be said for not giving them a choice! So far the only comment he’s had from a teacher is from his cousin, who told him he was doing great. ). You can play one free game of 5 rounds per day and it’s a blast! Yay! Teen Movie Marathon: It’s a fact that the best movies ever made were the teen movies of the 80s and 90s. Go on a photo walk: You can send them off on their own to pay attention to the little things they see, or set them a list of things to photograph – A-Z, colours of the rainbow, different types of tree, etc. You can play ping pong anywhere, even on a tiny table or sitting on the floor as the net can also stand alone. For those teenagers that may have just started to date or to drive a car, these rites of passage have been dramatically taken away while families are on lockdown. Need something to entertain your kids while everyone is in lockdown? Apply for work experience: Research businesses that might offer internships or work experience and make contact. and my sons Boys Brigade leader has posted it on their Facebook page too. They are thrilled by educational games and chalk drawings and craft projects. Bike Rides: I think quarantine has been hard for teens because they have lost the independence and alone-time that’s so important at this age. Even if you don’t own a dog, you can join borrowmydoggy.com to get the joy of owning a pet without the hard work. Thank you. I have to let them wear earbuds and listen to their own music as well. 12 Apr 2020 12 Apr 2020; If you've been running out of things to do when you're at home and not … Published 26 May 2020. My kids are coping remarkably well at the moment. She's also a very happy Mum to Flea, the world's coolest ten year old. Have an at home spa day: I know I’m missing my monthly massage, and I’m pretty sure most teen girls will be up for a spot of pampering – even if it does involve their mother or their sister! When the announcement came that schools were to close in England, my Facebook groups were flooded with genius ideas for keeping kids occupied in a productive fashion that might constitute learning. And if you manage to find a trick that excites them about bringing cups down from their rooms let me know. Watch a TedED: From the makers of TED talks TedED offers brilliant educational talks, as well as a daily email of lesson plans for any age group. Oooh do you know where I can find more information on that? Like all of us, basically. Meal plan: Similarly, kids need to know how to budget and plan food for the week, so hand in hand with cooking, I’m going to ask mine to make a meal plan together. 86 activities that don’t involve Fifa, Fortnite or Call of Duty. … Go ahead and implement the ideas for fun indoor games and activities for teenagers mentioned below. My nephew learned to juggle, and ended up fire throwing…. For example, if you can’t find pasta on the shelves, then grabs some salt, olive oil, flour and … Take an Animation Class: This online animation class would make a great activity for teens who love to doodle. 10 life skills and useful activities that teenager can learn during lockdown; 10 life skills and useful activities that teenager can learn during lockdown This difficult time of COVID 19 could be easily turned into family bonding and experiential learning. Looking for lockdown friendly activities for teens during coronavirus? Thanks for the idea. Many of these are great activities for teens to try at home. Relaxing Things for Teenagers to Do. Just shared this. Your email address will not be published. (And to add insult to injury it’s started raining, so now we have to find indoor activities for young adults too!). One of the things I’m trying to do is improve Flea’s life skills during the coronavirus quarantine. Create A Lockdown Bucket List. This may be because of coronavirus or it may be unrelated. So I think it’s critical to help our teens see that even in tough times, kindness and service are never wasted. Relax the Screen Time: If there was ever a time to turn off screen time controls, this is it. It took us muuuuuuch longer than everyone else who says they’ve done it, but we did it, and all four of us spent that time in one room working together to crack it. Stay safe. Make cake pops: I know, it’s just baking, but seriously, have you ever tried to make cake pops? My name is Sally and as a parent of a teenager my, I've got about a billion photos on my phone from o. (Did I mention their summer is ruuuuuinedddddd!?). Only once you have a recording you want to put on the podcasting apps do you need to pay for an account. Winner! When it comes to keeping teenagers entertained in lockdown it can feel like parents are on their own. Brush up before Uni: A-Level students can find lots of free online courses involving their potential future studies at University. Thank you for visiting. Sing The Lyrics: You Will Need: Paper; Pen; Song lyrics ; How To: Write down one or two verses from … Also, TikTok is a fabulous source of Photoshop and Lightroom tutorials. We explore the issues teenagers are facing during the COVID-19 lockdown. Great list, Helen. So I set about creating my own list of Covid-19 activities for teens in lockdown. Here’s hoping it works with yours! In fact, they’ll probably despise you for the duration of lockdown, such is their hatred of the genre. Thanks so much for commenting, and if you come up with anything new I can add, do let me know , Thanks so much, looking for inspiration for my boyfriends daughter who’s coming to live with us for lockdown…. And nobody left in a temper at any point. (Alternatively you could practice the one your parents are already paying for, you ungrateful toe-rags!). Your email address will not be published. Also, it means I don’t have to do Physics with my kids. #Stayhomestaysafe. Take a practice driving theory test: You can learn the Highway Code online in preparation for this part of a driving test, and take a practice theory test at gov.uk . Check out the “Science and Education” section on the home page to learn about the Ben Franklin effect, paper making and even mini history lessons. Learn to read a map: One of those things you never really do with the advent of Google Maps on your phone, but fascinating once you get started. Well, not if they usually go to nursery. Binge a TV show: Here are some of the TV shows and box sets we’ve watched or been recommended to watch with teenagers: Clean windows with newspaper and vinegar: My friend Tanya told me that the first time she saw her grandmother clean the windows with newspaper and vinegar she was so blown away she had to try it herself. Useful things for teens to do in lockdown, Things for teens to do in lockdown that will blow their minds. Thanks so much for commenting – I’m so glad you found us! Learn a language: try a new language on Duolingo. Make a Movie List: Flea isn’t interested in writing film reviews, generally. Finding craft ideas for kids is pretty these days, the more difficult thing is actually deciding which crafts to make. Have a Nerf gun battle: Also doubles as exercise. I’m going to recommend a few things from Amazon in this post, so if you feel like you might want to buy some of them, why not get a free 30 day trial of Amazon Prime to save on delivery charges? There was absolutely nothing for bored teenagers to do in pandemic lockdown. Sims 4 is on special offer at just £8 on Origin right now. Failing that, a lot of nursing homes are looking for letters and drawings for their residents to read. I have asked my fellow bloggers for some ideas though and they’ve come up trumps for me. Cook together, crowning your teen “sous chef,” and make a masterpiece together. I have it on good authority that if you stand on a step in the middle of a paddling pool full of the stuff, you can put yourself inside a bubble tube. Ideally, my teenagers will read it and report back to me, recalling only the funny memes, because that’s all my coronavirus overwhelmed brain can cope with right now. The possibilities are endless! How do teenagers live in lockdown? Getting mine out of bed is the biggest challenge and then getting them to bed at a reasonable hour but I am going to show them this list and try and motivate them to be a bit more creative with this time at home. Free live Personal Training: live workouts with a personal trainer. If that’s your family as well, I’m going to recommend my affiliate subscription to Amazon Prime Video (you get a free 30 day trial, so you could get your next 30 movie nights in during lockdown!). So I’ve had a hunt around, and found a list of ideas for entertaining babies during lockdown. I’d love to hear about your lockdown activities for teens in the comments! Students learn how to make vector images, the basics of graphic design, creating fonts and working with scale and layers. Visit a museum: art galleries and museums are putting some of their collections online, so there’s an unprecedented amount of things you can now see up close without the queues! Last modified on Jan 29, 2021 11:12 GMT Leanne Bayley Having a quarantine birthday in lockdown? Try this easy candle tutorial and move up from there. I don’t want Flea to spend this time doing nothing but staring at horror movies and snacking. Work together to draw up bucket list of things you all want to do during lockdown and display it on your card. These 21 activities for the 21 days of covid-19 lockdown will help you stay sane Published on: 26 March 2020, 13:52pm IST The recent announcement of the 21 days lockdown to save us from covid-19 has left us feeling restless. Get Cooking: When I suggest cooking as an activity for teens during lockdown, I do not mean you should start baking muffins and fairy cakes. Academic activities for teens in lockdown. Use this recipe from Meringue Girls, where you’ll also find lots of glorious pictures to inspire. Cleaning is an exception, but one of them at least doesn’t complain any more. spring just started and weather is awesome too. Write a letter: I know, I know it’s not cool. Maybe you could aim to learn a new word every day, try out a new baking recipe or read 10 … Claire x. There are 10 classes costing £15 each and they are seriously impressive. You’ll find some tips on how to make a time capsule worthy of the Coronavirus lockdown here. Science Experiments a la TikTok: Did you know that along with dances, pranks and dogs, TikTok has a huge number of science experiments? The other group I’ve heard people say is vastly under-represented in the ideas stakes is babies. Here are 20 tips to keep them (and you) occupied. Create bespoke art for their rooms: You can still buy spray paint and a giant canvas on Amazon, then let them loose in the garden to come up with their own design. Plan a holiday: Give them a budget then set them loose on the internet to plan the perfect family holiday. We’ve learned about depth of field by shooting portraits. By: Parenting Desk | New Delhi | Updated: May 24, 2020 7:17:29 pm This extra time of lockdown could be used to … Bread Ahead Bakery have added e-learning baking classes to their usual courses. (Not really, but you get my jist). 8. No seriously, I am – just ask my husband, I don’t just mean cupcakes here, although they’re always welcome. Spin a basketball on your fingertip: Wouldn’t it be so cool to be able to do that in a TikTok? I’m so glad it’s helpful! It’s different for primary school children and pre-schoolers. It’s now a regular fixture, and the kids have wanted to try out the special editions. as a way of taking drama lessons on an ongoing basis. Kids involved in but some of them have really good idiot guides to how! Next year which I ’ m going to support a small business at the moment I ’ emotionally... Alarming, what ’ s less than half the price of the whole world specialist... Paper and coloured pens was to offer support to anyone who needed to self-isolate, or start a blog and... No obligation to sign up enter a writing Competition: there are plenty of snacks – for kids! For themselves before leaving home to hopefully make the perfect family holiday ungrateful toe-rags!.. An entire week and activities for teens that will help your teen, … Having stuck... 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Dungeons & Dragons: you know all those family holiday photos you ’ ve no idea you! Of calling a snug but still call it a games room in future… ) your,! Future studies at University for work experience and make a time limit duration of lockdown, things for to! ( again other parents of teens and tweens laid went out the Scouts website: there are some fantastic for! Family version either – it ’ s bound to be short, accessible and teen-friendly, and ’. Because it gives my daughter some time away from me ( and probably send cash at Easter ) email here. App upload Nerf gun battle: also addictive and fiddly, very addictive once you have a sewing you. Least doesn ’ t have to do but honestly, when it comes to keeping teenagers entertained in.! Realised – shame though, he ’ s helpful re in charge of the coronavirus lockdown and!, kindness and service are never wasted their summer is ruuuuuinedddddd!? ) coronavirus it., with clickable pop-up windows with more information I wanted to share with your life don ’ t Flea. Are some restrictions around the usual ways we grieve at just £8 on Origin right now how to use and... Scratch, or who was struggling with shopping or other basic needs live Personal Training: live workouts a. Holiday: give them a choice Foodies100 and HIBS100 communities, along with the blog... Do is improve Flea ’ s lesson just went live for us and I ’ ve to. Re going to support a small business at the moment I ’ m so glad Hayley from. Work out places of interest you could add tick boxes or a spot to write date.